Our Curriculum


Practical Skills

For children, there is something special about common tasks which an adult considers ordinary such as paring vegetables, washing dishes, sweeping the floor, and tying shoes. These activities are exciting to children because they allow them to imitate adults. Imitation is one of the strongest urges during children’s early years.

Physical Geography

The large wooden puzzle maps are among the most popular activities in the iExplorers Environment. The child can put each puzzle piece into place by means of a little knob on its flat, shiny surface. The introductory map of the world has a separate puzzle piece for each continent. After working with the world map, the child can do one of six puzzle maps of continents in which each country is represented by a separate puzzle piece. Finally, there is a map of Canada with a separate piece for each province.

Cultural Awareness

The children gain an awareness of the world around them by exploring other countries, their customs, food, music, climate, language, and animals. This helps to raise consciousness about other people, to gain an understanding of tolerance and compassion for all people.

Sensorial Development

Sensorial Activities help children to develop their senses and awareness of the world around them through the use of specialized materials designed to isolate individual qualities such as color, size, shape, weight, texture, and more. This is a very “hands-on” area, each activity involving the whole child. “The hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence.” – Dr. Maria Montessori.

MatheMatical Thinking

If children have access to mathematical equipment in their early years, they can easily and joyfully assimilate many facts and skills of arithmetic. On the other hand, these same facts and skills may require long hours of drudgery and drill if they are introduced to them later in the abstract form.